Victory Heights Primary School
Victory Heights Primary School
Victory Heights Primary School

Documents & Forms

When a child is in school in the United Arab Emirates it is a legal requirement they are registered with the Ministry of Education. The School will conduct this on your behalf providing the relevant documents are provided prior to your child starting school at VH Primary.

Upon receiving an offer, the documents required for registration are:

  • Valid passport copy of your child
  • Valid passport copies of parents
  • Birth certificate copy of your child (must be in English or Arabic)
  • Attendance Letter from current school
  • Copy of Transfer Certificate from previous School
  • Valid Emirates ID copy of your child
  • Valid Emirates ID copy of both parents or guardian
  • Valid Residence Visa for Sponsor Parent
  • Completed VHPS and DHA Medical Forms
  • Copy of child’s immunisation history
  • Completed VHPS Parent Security ID application form with passport size photographs

*You will be required to bring your original Emirates ID into the school as per KHDA regulations

Transfer Documents for Overseas Students

If you are arriving from a school overseas a Transfer Certificate (TC) is required for students joining school from Year 2 upwards (see sample Transfer Certificate below).

All Transfer Certificates must be:

  • Written in English or Arabic and must be on school letter headed paper with the school stamp on and signed by the Principal or Head Teacher.
  • Handed to the Admissions Office at the time of enrollment 

There is a requirement for the Transfer Certificate to be attested (stamped) by the following:

  • The Ministry of Education(from country of TC origin)
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from country of TC origin)
  • UAE embassy (from country of TC origin)

If you come from GCC Countries you only require the certificate stamped by The Ministry of Education.

INFO - Transfer Certificates from the following countries are NOT required to be attested:

North America, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Moving from another Emirate: There is a requirement to have a Transfer Certificate from the school as per above guidelines in Arabic only duly signed and stamped by the school, and must be attested by the Ministry of Education of that Emirate.
Moving from another school in Dubai: You will need to provide a Transfer Certificate, this is requested from the previous school and processed through the online KHDA system.

Medical Forms

Medical – Immunisation & Consent Form 


Compulsory Uniform List

