Victory Heights Primary School
Victory Heights Primary School
Victory Heights Primary School


Find out more about Victory Heights. If you still have questions please get in touch.

What are your fees?

Please refer to our fees page


Do you offer sibling discount?

At this time we do not offer a discount for siblings.

Will you increase your school fees next year?

We do not anticipate any fee increase for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please note that any such fee increases would be in accordance with KHDA regulations. Please read more here.

How many students are in a class?

We have up to 25 students per class.

Will there be a Teacher Learning Assistant in the class?

FS1 to Year 2 will have a teacher and a teacher learning assistant in the classroom, Year 3 to 6 will have a teacher and shared teacher learning assistant.

What is the age cut off, and how do I know what year my child should be in?

At Victory Heights Primary School we follow the British Curriculum, accepting students from age 3 into FS1 through to the end of year 6. Please see the chart for reference:

Year GroupAge by 31st August
Year 15
Year 26
Year 37
Year 48
Year 59
Year 610


What are the school timings?

In FS1 children can be dropped off at school from 7.40am and in FS2 from 8.00am.

In KS1 and KS2, children can be dropped off at school from 7.30am ready to be in their classrooms by 7.55am.

Monday - Thursday: The children in FS1 will finish their day at 1.15pm, FS2 at 1.45pm : 

KS1 will finish their day at 3.00pm - 3.10pm. KS2 will finish their day at 3.00pm - 3.10pm.

Friday: FS1 will finish at 11.00am, FS2 at 11.15am.

KS1 will finish their day at 11.30am - 11.40am. KS2 will finish their day at 11.40am - 11.50am.

Is there any after school extended care?

In Primary, the Enrichment after-school activity runs five days a week (3:00-3:45 pm and 3:45-4:30 pm from Monday to Thursday, and 12:00-1:30 pm on Friday).

In Foundation, we have after-school care also available four days a week.

Please contact our school reception for further details.


Will my child wear a school uniform?

Yes all students will wear a uniform. Uniform Shop details are on the Uniform page.


Do you have a canteen or is it packed lunch from home?

We have a school canteen for pupils, Ben's Farmhouse. Alternatively, children can bring a packed lunch from home and a snack for morning break. Please ensure a healthy lunch and snack is sent into school for your child. In the interests of being a healthy eating school, we cannot allow fizzy drinks, crisps or chocolate to be brought into school. Please note that we do not allow any nuts or nut products and pork to be brought onto the school campus.

Do you offer school transport?

Yes we offer school transport to areas around the school. We also provide a female bus assistant on each bus. Please see below the routes that we cover:

Cost per Area per Annum

Area 1 (AED 9,000)Area 2 (AED 9,500)Area 3 (AED 9,900)
Victory HeightsArabian Ranches 1Dubai Marina
IMPZLayan CommunityArjan
Motor City - Green CommunityUptown, Motor CityMira Community / Mira Oasis
Sport CityJumeirah Village Circle (JVC)Townsquare
 Damac Hills 1Mudon
 RemraamArabian Ranches 2
 Tilal Al GhafDubai Investment Park (DIP1)
 Jumeirah Golf EstatesFurjan


Where are your teachers from?

Whilst the majority of our teachers are British, we recruit and hire teachers internationally. All of our teachers are highly-qualified and experienced, with the expertise necessary to deliver the British National Curriculum. All teaching staff have been carefully selected to ensure that our students receive the very best educational experience.


Does the school provide support for English as a Second Language (ESL)?

Yes at Victory Heights we will provide support to those who do not have English as a first language. Our Learning Enhancement team includes a dedicated EAL specialist teacher.

What languages do you offer?

In line with KHDA regulations, children learn Arabic throughout their time at VHPS. We also offer Spanish as a second language from Year 3 onwards, and in the past some of our teachers have offered French as one of our extra-curricular activities.

How did VHPS perform in the 2023 TIMMS?

VHPS is constantly exceeding projected targets. To view our results, please click on the following link - VHPS TIMMS 2023 Results